Like a Darling
a triptych for a cappella voices (2015)
Duration: 15 minutes
Text: English
The text for this work is the poetic triptych “Darling” from Fuel, the collection of poems by Naomi Shihab Nye published by Boa Editions, Ltd., Rochester, NY, 1998. Used with the kind permission of the author.
Program Note:
Poet Naomi Shihab Nye marks out the physical and emotional effects of terrorism with people—first graders, mothers, friends—with everyday objects—kettles, apples, glasses of water—and with locations—Texas, Turkey, Syria. For me, with these everyday words, she captures how common, even mundane, news of terrorism has become to us. I found Nye’s poetry shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Feelings of uncertainty, loss, and fear were new to youthful me and to many Americans. I was blind to the terrorism that was part of the daily lives of millions in the Middle East for generations. I was deaf to the news of terrorism throughout my life. In the Middle East, Northern Ireland, Indonesia, Oklahoma City, Lockerbie—war, politics, fear, violence, difference. I’m not sure this will change in my lifetime, but I think Naomi Shihab Nye is onto something when she leads us to the word “together” which offers hope in a world increasingly torn apart.
Chorosynthesis Singers, with Jessica Bush, soprano soloist
Dr. Wendy Moy and Dr. Jeremiah Selvey, co-artistic directors
March 19th, 2016 at Good Shepherd Chapel, Seattle, Washington
Empowering Silenced Voices, Centaur Records, CRC3699-700
Chorosynthesis Singers, with Jessica Bush, soprano soloist
Dr. Wendy Moy and Dr. Jeremiah Selvey, co-artistic directors